Monday, November 9, 2015

Passing Hearts Chapter 5

Passing Hearts
Chapter 5
            I stand here staring at the front door. Why did she just reject me? It’s been twenty years! Is Amanda really still that hurt? She’s gone before I can move my legs. There’s a part of me that wants to run after her and beg for forgiveness, but the stubborn part of me keeps me in the diner. I see Jennifer in the corner of my eye staring at me with a smirk on her face. The anger starts to well up at that smirk. She begins walking toward me, but I put up my hand.
            “To-go box, please!” I tell Jennifer with a harsh tone.
            That grin quickly fades. I sit down in the booth and put my face in my hands to calm myself.
            I hear Jennifer’s heals clack as she walks back to my booth. “She’s a fool, Sweetie.”
            I lift my head out of my hands, “No, I’ve been the fool.”
            Jennifer puts the to-go box on my table and walks away. That’s the smartest thing she’s ever done. I’m throwing my burger and fries in my box when I hear the diner doorbell ring. For a second I think it might be Amanda coming back. I look up slowly, with the smallest amount of hope I have left……it’s not her. I’ve gone to every stupid high school reunion in hopes she would be there. This is not how it’s going to end! I can’t just sit her and wait another twenty years. I’m going to find her so I can explain why I left that night and how much it hurt to leave her. I throw fifteen dollars on the table, grab my food, and storm out of the diner.
            I open my truck door, throw the food over in the passenger seat, and jump in. As I’m about to pull out onto the street, I stop. If I go chasing after her, I’ll seem desperate. I can turn left to go to Amanda’s mom’s house or turn right to my house. “No! I won’t live with regret another twenty years.” I whip the wheel to the left.
            I look around as I pull into her mom’s driveway. There’s only one car; her mom’s. Great!! I’m just about to back up and leave when Amanda’s mom comes running out on the front porch, waving her arms like a crazy lady. I put the truck in park, turn it off, and get out. She looks eager to talk to me.
            “Get on up here, Trent!” She yells at me and motions me to come up on the porch.
            “Yes, ma’am.” I do as she says and take a seat in the chair she motions to. She sits in the chair next to me.
            She’s tapping her fingers on the chair arm, making me a bit nervous. “Trenton Davis, you hurt my baby girl all those years ago. For that, I will never forget, but I will forgive if you do me one favor.”
            I’ve been looking down at my legs, feeling nervous. I look up and over at her, “I’ll do anything, ma’am.”
            Mrs. Waters gives me a quick nod. “Never hurt her again young man.”
            “I won’t, I promise. Where did she go? I want to find her and explain myself and beg for her forgiveness.” I’m now on the edge of my seat ready to jump up and go find Amanda.
            “Calm down, Trent.” She taps my hand with hers. “Allow an old woman to give you some advice.” I sit back in my chair and try to relax. “Leave the past where it belongs. You two belong together now. Twenty years ago was the wrong time. You both needed to live life a little and grow up. Now that you’ve done that, you all can finally have a life together and hopefully give me some grandbabies before I die.” She was matter of fact about the grandkids.
            I smile, nod my head, and look down at my legs, too nervous to ask, but I have to ask. “So, does that mean she wants a future with me?”
            “Oh Trent, Honey.” She laughs at me. “Men are so clueless about women.” I look over to see her shaking her head side to side. “Yes, Amanda wants a future with you. The only reason she ran out on you at the diner was because she thought you were still married. I never told her you were divorced. Just never came up in the few conversations I’ve had with her.”
            I wipe my forehead. Didn’t even realize I was sweating. “So, she’s not still mad about twenty years ago?”
            “No, Trent. Now, go get our girl!” Mrs. Waters stands up and shews me off with her hand.
            I don’t waste any time getting to and into my truck. I give Mrs. Waters a wave bye as I back out of the driveway. The best place to start looking is the diner. Maybe she headed back there to find me. As I get closer, my nerves kick in. I’m sweating like I did before our first date. Amanda is the only woman to ever make me this nervous. There’s something about her that causes my stomach to have those flutter things that women always talk about. I never had those until Amanda either. Will it be this way in ten years?
            The diner is finally in sight and the parking lot is full. I have no idea what her car looks like. I pass the front and look in, but there’s a glare from the evening sun, so I can’t see in. Looks like I’ll have to park out back. As I pull into the back, I hear a horn coming from behind me. I pull into the first spot and look into my rearview mirror to see someone jump out of a truck and run toward me. Who in the world?
            I get out of my truck and see Ben running at me. “Why are you running?”
            Ben stops in front of me and puts his finger in my face, “Where the hell have you been?” He’s shouting at me.
            I’m shocked that he just yelled and put his finger in my face. “I’ve been looking for Amanda. She in there?”
            “Who? Ugh, I’ve been calling and looking for you for the last hour, Man. So has your daddy and momma!”
            Ben’s still shouting at me. “My cell has been in my truck.” I get it from the console and look at it. “Sorry, Man, the phone’s been off. Why is everyone looking for me?”
            He takes a deep breath, “One of the drills stopped out on the rig. When the fools went to try and fix it, there was an explosion under water. Nothing’s leaking, as of now. Your daddy has already sent out a dive team, but he wants our crew out on the rig an hour ago. I’ve sent all the other guys ahead. The boat’s waiting to take us out. Your dad is livid. He even made me blush when he was talking to the crew leader out there. I never heard such words coming out of his mouth in the thirty-eight years I’ve known him. Your momma’s meeting us at the docks with a packed bag for you. Let’s go!” He turns to walk back to his truck.
            Ben gets into his truck and backs out of the parking lot. I stop right before I get into my truck.  I want to go into the diner for one look, but as I start to walk toward the diner, Ben honks. I kick the gravel in the parking lot, sending rocks into the side of the building, get into my truck, and head to the docks. I think of Amanda, sitting in our booth in the back, wearing the blue sundress she had on earlier, waiting. I can’t do this to her again, but an oil leak would be detrimental to our company. Not to mention the affect it will have on the environment and all of the businesses on the coast. I pick up my cell phone to call her, only to realize I don’t have her phone number. The longer I drive, the more ticked I get. Dang it! I grip the steering wheel in frustration. I’m about ready to whip it around and go back to the diner, but look ahead long enough to see momma standing at my normal parking space in front of the docks.
            I pull in, get out, and give her a hug. She gives me a slap on my arm, “Young man, your daddy is hot as fire right now. You get on that boat and fix this problem. Hear me?”
            “Yes ma’am. Tell him I’m sorry. I had my phone off and was looking for Amanda. She came into town today.” I take the green canvas bag she hands to me and we start walking toward the docks.
            “Well, Honey, if I see her I will tell her what happened. I’m sure she’ll understand.” She pats me on the back. “I know how you feel about her, but you got to take care of your future right now if you want a future with Amanda. I’m sure you won’t be out there long. You can talk to her when you get back.”
            I stop and look down into my mom’s eyes. “I can’t lose Amanda for another twenty years. Please check the diner before you go home. I asked her to the reunion, but she said no because she thought I was still married. I want her to know I’m not and I really want to take her out.” My mom puts her hand on my mouth to hush me.
            “Sweetie, it’s time to go. I will find her, I promise.” She kisses me on my cheek and swats my arm to be off.
            I get on the boat and look back at my momma in desperation. She understands my look, nods yes, and waves bye. I hope I will not be gone too long. For the first time, I would rather be home than on the rig. Amanda and I will be together….soon!

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